Bega Valley Bin Busters – Bega Valley Public School
Bega Valley Bin Bombers
The Bega Valley Bin Bombers are a great bunch of enthusiastic waste warriors who have both soft plastics and organic waste as key focus points for their war on waste. The students completed their initial waste audit on the 14th September, 2020. They soon discovered that the landfill bin was full of all types of waste including recyclable items, organic waste and loads of soft plastics.
With their motto’s of ‘Sort it, Don’t Toss it’, ‘Stay Green – Keep it Clean’ and ‘If it’s Not in the Bin it’s on you’ they have put together some amazing ideas to help reduce the waste the school is sending to landfill.
The Bega Valley Bin Bombers are going to do the following things to reduce the amount of waste they send to landfill:
- they are focusing on reducing the amount of soft plastics coming to school through nude food days
- introducing soft plastic collection bins to school
- introducing FOGO bins to school
- educating the school community about the new bins and nude food
- encourage nude food coming to school through creating a school recipe book