Birds of a Feather – Best Practice Case Study
Bournda EEC has finalised the Australian Association for Environmental Education, NSW Chapter Leadership for Sustainability Program and recently completed our Birds of a Feather project with other Sapphire Coast Regional Science Hub members. The Science Hub also acts as a Regional Sustainability Educators Network (RSEN), collaborating on a wide range of projects and is working on a strategic plan for 2019.
Thank you to Erika Van Schellebeck, the AAEE Coordinator for helping us with the project. Erika secured extra time and resources to help us get the project finished after we were delayed because of the Tathra fire.
BIG THANK YOU to Pambula Public School and Tathra Public School teachers and students for your interest and enthusiasm.
Thanks to our Hub/RSEN partners Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness for their assistance. Other helpers were Far South Coast Birdwatchers Inc. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Far South Coast Conservation Management Network
The project was funded by Bournda Environmental Education Centre and the NSW Government Environmental Trust through the AAEE project.